In Honor of the Women in Our History
So many family stories are told from the father’s point of
view. Particularly in farming. In my
family, I am fortunate to have a long line of strong women who stood in equal
partnership with the men in the family and brought highly valued skills to the
family and to the business of farming. For Women’s History Month I want to turn
the spotlight on Mary Pauline Connell Webster, my great-grandmother.
Born March 4, 1872, in Ashland, Delaware, to Charles
Barington Connell (1846-1916) and Emma Evans Bradford (1851-1903), Mary Pauline
Connell arrived in a time of great change.
The Connells were farmers and had seven children, two boys and five
girls. Mary Pauline’s paternal grandparents emigrated from Ireland in the early
1840s (potato famine drove this migration).
The second oldest of seven, Mary Pauline worked from a young age on her
family’s farm.
The year she was born, the Metropolitan Museum of Art opened
its doors and Yellowstone became the first national park in the world. Jules
Verne wrote “Around the World in Eighty Days” and Ulysses S. Grant was
re-elected as President. Almost half of the country worked on a farm. Kerosene
lamps provided light and fireplaces provided warmth. Grasshopper plagues in the west and an
economic depression throughout the country overshadowed the 1870s. The country’s population was about 38 million.
By 1890, the population was about 63 million, and farmers were about 43% of the
labor force.
The Connells were fairly isolated, as were most farm
families. No radios, telephones, newspapers, nor mail reached the rural areas. Going
to the big city of Wilmington (population about 62,000 in 1890) for market days
helped them catch up on news and meet people. The Connell family lived near
Brackinville, a hamlet in 1870, named after William Brackin and his hotel, the
area now designated part of Hockessin.
It was at the King Street farmers market that the feisty Mary
Pauline first saw John Webster. It would
have taken her family several hours to get to the market by wagon, but this was
closer than going to Philadelphia to sell produce. Mary Pauline would shell
peas and toss some at that handsome farmer in the next booth to get his
When John Webster went courting, he rode his horse over
streams and hills to get there. Sometimes he stayed overnight because of the
distance. Only 11 miles away, but on horseback that translates to over 2 hours
each way, depending on weather.
During a time when
young women were married at 16 or 18 or 20, Miss Connell was an old maid at 25.
John, at 34, was also “old” to be getting married for the first time.
Apparently, they were equal in stubbornness and determination.
John attended Siloam Methodist Episcopal Church on Faulk
Road, and persuaded the minister, Rev. J. W. Tyndall, to come to the Connell’s
home on Christmas Day, 1897, to marry them.
Mary P had a green thumb and could coax anything to grow.
She planted and harvested the vegetables for the family and for the farmers
market. Mary P continued to go to the farmers market twice each week to sell
produce. And she loved flowers! Food for the soul. She planted lilac bushes at
the entrance to the farm, lining the driveway.
Mary Pauline was close enough to her older sister to name
her first daughter, Lillian, after her. Her second child in July 1901 a boy,
was named after his father, John Coleman Webster. This was a scary time for
infants—diphtheria, measles, or whooping cough killed many children each year. An
outbreak of smallpox in 1902 and a flu epidemic in 1903 wreaked havoc on the
population. Mary Pauline’s mother died in 1903 at the age of 52, possibly a flu
victim. Mary Pauline was determined to do the best that she possibly could, at
a time when there were few aids for sick children, and she nursed that baby for
two and a half years to protect him as much as possible.
I try to imagine the determination it took for Mary P to
send her daughter to the University of Pennsylvania in 1915. A girl. A farm
girl. Going to college. Mary P and her husband, John, were both educated in
one-room schoolhouses, and then were self-educated in the School of Life. They
saw the merit of a college education for their daughter. Lillian’s brother,
John Webster, Jr., always bragged about how smart his sister was. What a lovely
heritage--to come from a family that valued the girls as much as the boys.
Lillian went on to be a full-time teacher and married a university professor.
In 1931, Mary P’s husband was killed in a farm accident, when
John was thrown by a startled horse pulling a cultivator. He was 68. She
decided she was ready to turn the planting, reaping, churning, baking,
harvesting, over to her son, John, and his wife, Rachel. John Jr. built a
cottage onto the main house so that Mary P had her privacy.
Accustomed to a busy life, Mary P looked around for
something to do. She had always loved art and had dreamed of having time for
drawing and painting. She started taking painting classes at the Wilmington Art
Center. And thrived. She stopped lessons after a few months and began painting
on her own and with a group of painters called The Studio Group. Mary P decided
to treat herself to a trip to Vienna in 1936 to study art and took one of her granddaughters
with her. Unfortunately, the Nazi buildup cut short their trip, so they
returned to England and sailed home, encountering two hurricanes at sea on the
return trip.
Mary P started exhibiting her work and started winning
prizes. She went to Florida for the winter and painted there. Her work was on
display at the Ringling Art Exhibit in Sarasota, Florida, and various shows in
Wilmington, Delaware. Her work was
collected by institutions, including the Delaware Art Center and the Wilmington
Society for Fine Arts, as well as individuals. She decided to “retire” to
Florida, and spent most of the year painting and enjoying the sunshine. Her
daughter had a home nearby, and her son started coming every winter.

~ Ruth
Beautiful! Thank you for sharing :)