
Showing posts from July, 2013

What We Hope To Have in August & Spetember

This list is based on the weather behaving. If it is hot, most things will start later. Cool can mean later or earlier, depending on how cool. Apples Brussel Sprouts  Cabbage  Cantaloupe (more Aug than Sept) Carrots Cauliflower  Collards  Corn Cucumbers Eggplant Figs Herbs Kale Lettuce Limas!! Nectarines Okra Onions Peaches Pears - including Asian Pears Peppers Plums Potatoes Pumpkins (more Sept) Radishes Raspberries Scallions Squash - summer and winter Sweet Potatoes Swiss Chard Tomatoes Turnips Watermelon

Middle of Summer

A bit of what we've got going on this wet summer. The rain softened the branches and we had some tree damage to our pear and plum trees Rain rain go away. Chelsea wants to come out and play :( The poor pigs had their pen flood almost everyday (sometimes twice a day) And of course all the wet made things  - like these peaches - rot  We had a good crop of gooseberries though The swiss chard hasn't done too bad - which is good since it is a family favorite The cool spring made the strawberries late. But we enjoyed them just as much We managed to get a good crop of cherries picked between storms