
Showing posts from January, 2022

5 Tips & Strategies for Winter Growing, Part I

Are you a dedicated vegetable gardener?   If so, I know you thrive on growing plants. Do you marvel at   tiny seeds sprouting and growing to vegetables? Nothing better for the soul or our stomachs! 20 years ago, I embarked on the journey of winter growing. I wanted to extend our harvest seasons and to have vegetables over the winter. I wanted to have early spring crops. I wanted—nature laughed! So here are some tips and strategies based on what I have learned (and continue to learn) about growing in the winter months. Winter is a challenge for us here in Delaware, because our days are shorter, and the night-time temperatures are below freezing. Look for cold-hardy varieties that can handle the level of protection that you can provide. Adjust your expectations of how quickly things will grow. Supplemental heat makes a huge difference, but you have to evaluate the cost of heating compared to what you get out of it. Here are some strategies to start: 1.        Light —as much as