October Means Overcoming Obstacles
There are a lot of different ways to say it. In A Mood.
Cranky. Difficult. Needs A Nap (sign me up, please!). By the end of October, we
are all tired. And tired people are…cranky, to pick one of those phrases. This
year, with twice the normal rainfall and a serious deficit of sunshine,
everyone is cranky. Customers, staff, even the bees are cranky right now.
We should have planted rice this year. There was a bumper
crop of squirrels, foxes, raccoons, crows, and mice this year. Produce did not
keep as well because of all the rain. The squirrels destroyed a lot of pears
and pumpkins. Sudden and serious illnesses wreaked havoc among the staff,
causing extra work for everyone else.
So now it is time for the pep talks to keep us going and
keep us smiling. How do we do that?
One of our core values is we take care of each other,
including staff, families, customers, friends, and community. When one becomes
sick, everyone steps up and covers that person’s work. When a customer became
ill at the store recently, an employee drove him home and stayed with his wife
until an ambulance came (and the customer has recovered, we are happy to hear).
Knowing that everyone is ready to help as needed makes me very grateful for our
community, and gratitude goes a long way towards getting rid of crankiness.
We know that the weather is beyond everyone’s control. So we
are very excited to be starting a new greenhouse project which will increase
productivity, reduce work stress, and provide fantastic produce for our
customers—all without having to deal with weather extremes! Looking forward to
this is a great way to move moodiness out.
And for the last day of October, the weather is moderate, the
sun is shining, and there are plenty of mums to visit, so perhaps the bees will
be a little less cranky. It is now only three weeks till Thanksgiving when all
will be complete chaos with fresh turkeys, fresh pies, and all the trimmings.
We look at all those orders and are happy that so many families are able to
come together and give thanks. And we are grateful that our customers think of
Highland Orchards as their source for great food to feed their families and
So, we jump from 85 degrees to 55 degrees, deal with the
wildlife, eat a cider donut when it rains, and we are grateful for our
customers, our employees, our friends, and our families. I feel better, don’t
Happy and safe Halloween to all!
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