About edible flowers:
Ornamental flowers usually follow the petal-only rule: most come from plants where the colorful petals are the only edible part of the plant. Some plants are exceptions. Be absolutely certain before trying other parts of the plant.
5 Important Things:
1. Always know what flowers are edible before you eat them- be absolutely sure of the plant. If you’re unsure, steer clear! Safety comes first! Some flowers are not edible and can make people very sick.
2. Know the plant’s surroundings. A beautiful stand of edible flowers growing by the roadside may look delicious, but plants are very good at taking up toxins from the soil, rain, and air and storing them in their roots, stems, leaves, and flowers. They clean the environment but may become harmful for people to eat.
4. Allergy awareness- if you are sensitive to pollen, be careful trying flowers. Do not eat the pollen from the flower. Follow the petal rule- eat only the petals- and wash the petals well. Try eating flowers a little at a time to begin with, and never eat the flower of a plant you know you are allergic to.
Come plant your own pot of edible flowers on Friday, April 27th. Stop by anytime between 2 and 5 pm and we'll help you put together a pot of nasturtium, pansies, and calendula. $10.
Impress your friends and family with the plating of your food at your next gathering.
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