Fruit Divine: PERSIMMONS
I have taken the last of the persimmons in to my mother to be turned into persimmon bread. We had a fresh batch of persimmon jam made. And you (and I) had the opportunity to eat wonderful, fresh persimmons. I keep thinking I will do something fancy, but then I pick one up and it’s in my mouth. Maybe next time. I first planted persimmons over 15 years ago, when I found a variety that was supposed to grow in our area. It took about 6 years before we got any persimmons. And now the trees produce reliably well. We have planted additional trees, because, hmmm, many of you decided you like persimmons as well. We are thrilled that we can grow persimmons without any sprays, even organic sprays, which fits with our mission of growing green and clean. My first introduction to a persimmon was a Hachiya-type persimmon. Beware! These are fabulous when fully ripe, but they cause an unpleasant puckery-y sensation around the lips if not ripe, due to a high tannin content. The tannin dissipates a