Connecting with Connections
The Connections class at the Academy of Lifelong Learning connects the community with a wide variety of speakers, from healthcare to politics, clinics to …farms! I was honored to be asked to speak to the Connections class on February 21 about Highland Orchards and our CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) program. Two of our customers were instrumental in asking me to present to the class. Of course, I selected a winter time slot, when we are a bit slower. I remember wondering if they had a snow date. Not to worry this year; February 21 was 75 degrees! Wacky weather makes a great introduction to a talk about farming, and we had a great time. So many in the class have been long-time residents of northern Delaware and were familiar with the changes in population and eating that I presented. A little history of the farm and the way that farming has changed over the past 100 years brought into focus the fact that farming is a business. The CSA program was new to many, and the class